The 9th KGC World Women' Cup kicks off


<The 9th KGC World Women' Cup kicks off>


The first match of this KGC was set as Do-won Moon from Korea versus Aoki KiKuyo from Japan.


On January 1, the opening ceremonies of the 9th KGC Women? Cup was held at Plaza hotel in China.


The two player of round 1 were revealed as Do-won Moon and Aoki KiKuyo.

The order was decided by lottery system which conducted by captains of each country as they drew for players.


KGC World Women's Cup is administered by Korean Baduk Association and sponsored by Korean in Gingseng Corporation. The winning team will get 75,000,000W (aprrox 68,000$).


                                                  (korean team)                                         


(Chinese team)



(Japanese team)




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